Adjustable wheels, good power distribution on the wheel and a large amount of installation options; these are just a few of the benefits which the Varitrac adjustable wheels can offer. Reach up to 160 different track widths, just by doing some small adjustments, like adding an interchangeable center.

Adjustable wheels
The Varitrac adjustable wheels are engineered due to the growing demand for a more flexible solution to drive on more than one track width. The existing adjustable wheels were not strong enough for the weight of the next generations tractors and machines. Also, the higher top speed of the new tractors, were a problem for the existing wheels. Gruva focused on these problems and developed the Varitrac adjustable wheels. During the past years, the Varitrac system was updated and modernized.
Thanks to the wide range of options, one can reach up to 160 different track widths with only one set of Varitrac adjustable wheels. Our multi adjustable Varitrac wheels make sure you are always on the right track for your crops.
Gruva's Varitrac adjustable wheels were created in response to the growing demand for more flexible solutions for driving on various track gauges.
From narrow row crop wheels up to wheels suited for very wide tyres, the Varitrac wheels are always suitable. Thanks to the different PCD-connectors of 4x2, 4x3 and even 4x4, no concessions are made on strength or durability.
The massive variation up to 160 different track widths can be reached by small adjustments. For example; with an one-piece disc, one is able to reach up to 40 different track widths, just by adding special Varilink connectors. The Gruva Varilink connectors can be delivered in thicknesses of 5 and 10 millimeter and are also stackable.
Our Varitrac wheels are also available with interchangeable center discs which makes the options countless.